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Tuesday, 27 January 2015

The benefits of coconut fruit for beauty and health

The benefits of coconut fruit for beauty and health
01:18 by

Health World - Coconut oil’s benefits for skin and hair are emphasized a lot in our country, and why not , coconut oil has such characteristics that in whatever way you choose to use it, it will only do you good. Whether taken internally or used externally coconut oil is extremely beneficial.
Coconut oil is extracted from matured coconuts. The manufacturing process is such that first, coconut milk is first made, from the milk, oil is extracted.

Depending on whether coconut oil is taken internally or externally, benefits of coconut oil are in hair care, skin care, stress relief, maintaining cholesterol levels, weight loss, immunity, proper digestion and metabolism, relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV and cancer, dental care, and bone strength.


These benefits of coconut oil are because of its components which include lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid. Incredibly, lauric acid is the same compound that can be found in breast milk. And we all know that breast milk is packed with nutrients and disease-fighting ingredients that help keep babies healthy. So in a way, coconut oil is to adults, what breast milk is to babies.

Coconut Milk

Benefits of Coconut oil –

1. Skin Care
When applied on face and body, coconut oil acts as an effective moisturizer, it especially works great on dry skin by preventing dryness and flaking of skin. The coconut oil will exfoliate the outer layer of dead skin cells, and will make skin softer and smoother. It works by penetrating into the deep layers of the skin to strengthen the underlying tissues. Coconut oil also delays wrinkles, crow’s feet and sagging of skin which come with age.

2. Hair Care
Coconut oil is best nutrition for hair. It promotes healthy growth of hair providing them with a shiny
texture. It is extremely useful if applied a few hours before shampooing. If need be, coconut oil can be applied after shampooing to keep hair shiny. It is also a good conditioner and helps in the re-growth of dull, damaged hair. It also provides the essential nutrients for nourishing damaged hair

3. Stress Relief
Coconut oil is extremely soothing and thus helps in reducing stress. Applying coconut oil to the head followed with a gentle massage for a few minutes helps in lowering physical and mental fatigue. Heating oil and then massaging on muscles and joints will relax and rejuvenate your body. It is excellent massage oil and 20 minutes of massage on body before bath will give you radiant and youthful skin.

Coconut Oil

4. Weight Loss
There is science to suggest that Virgin coconut oil has the ability to help stimulate your metabolism. Virgin coconut oil is not hydrogenated and has no cholesterol. Thus coconut oil is preferred by athletes and body builders and by those who are on strict diet. The reason behind this is that coconut oil has lesser calories compared to other oils. In fact, its fat content is converted into energy and it also does not lead to accumulation of fat in heart and arteries. Coconut oil finally, helps you intensify energy levels and endurance.

5. Heart Diseases
There are many misconception and controversies whether coconut oil is good or bad for the heart. This is because coconuts contain a large quantity of saturated fats. Scientifically it has been proven that, coconut oil is beneficial for the heart. It contains 50% lauric acid, which helps in preventing various heart problems. Even though saturated fats should be avoided, the saturated fats present are in coconut oil are not harmful. It does not lead to adding LDL (Low-density lipoprotein) levels. Coconut oils work in favour of your heart by reducing high cholesterol and high BP.

Apart from helping your heart, coconuts also help in supporting your immune system, proper functioning of your thyroid gland and providing you with instant energy source.

Coconut oil smells and tastes amazing, and there is no reason why we shouldn’t bring coconut oil in our daily beauty routines and daily cooking.

Fun facts about coconuts –

Coconut oil was the world’s leading vegetable oil until soybean oil took over in the 1960s.

The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as substitute for blood plasma.

Falling coconuts kill 150 people every year, this is 10 times the number of people killed by sharks.

Coconuts are used as ‘prasadam’ in temples because of its property to provide instant energy.

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Benefits of Olives to the health and beauty of the face

Benefits of Olives to the health and beauty of the face
01:14 by

Helath World - Since ages we women all over the world have been obsessed with looking beautiful and fetching, even going great lengths to achieve it. But there is one practice that unites us and that is taking care of our skin. Healthy skin glows and glowing skin reflects youth and vitality. For this purpose I started my quest to find something that my dry skin would lap up easily and make my skin soft and supple. And here, I found my skin’s best friend— OLIVE OIL.
Let me take you through the journey of discovering Olive Oil and finally list out the various ways that Olive oil could work for you.
Olive oils are of three types- Pure, virgin and extra virgin. Pure Olive oils are generally used for external purposes like moisturizing the skin, oiling your hair etc. Extra virgin and virgin oils are used in cooking and other consumption uses.
Medicinal uses of Olive Oil:
1. When taken internally, Olive oil stimulates metabolism and helps indigestion.2. 1 teaspoon of Olive oil with lemon juice on an empty stomach relieves constipation.3. Olive oil is known to reduce cholesterol levels.

4. Warm Olive oil alleviates ear aches as well.
Now coming to the cosmetic uses of Olive oil, they can be used for the following purposes:1. Olive oil can be used as a MOISTURIZER for dry skin. You could apply it all over you at night and wake up in the morning all soft and smooth skinned.2. Daily use of Olive oil is also known to reduce stretch marks.3. During winters, you could add Olive oil to your face packs in order to prevent your skin from feeling dried up. Your skin will remain hydrated and nourished throughout.4. Olive oil also helps relieve chapped lips.5. Olive oil could be used as a make-up remover and leave a fine layer of oil on your skin to nourish it all night long.6. Soaking your nails in a cup of Olive oil softens your cuticles and makes your mails less brittle.7. Oiling your hair with Olive oil can cure split ends and dandruff as well.8. Olive oil repairs sun damaged skin and protects against skin cancer.
Some face and hair packs using Olive oil are as follows:1. FACE PACK: Olive oil + honey + egg yolk + rinse with warm water = radiant skin2. BATH: Olive oil + essential oils + warm water = nourished, relaxed body3. HAIR PACK: egg yolk + olive oil = dandruff free hair, warm olive oil = conditioned hair
As obvious now, benefits from Olive oil are endless. It promotes smooth, radiant skin, helps maintaining skin’s elasticity, heals dry, brittle nails and conditions hair. Olive oil does deserve to be your skin’s best friend?
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benefits of citrus fruits for health and beauty

benefits of citrus fruits for health and beauty
01:11 by

Health World - I have always liked fruits over vegetables and orange is one of my favourite fruit. My mother had to come up with a different trick everyday to see me finish my vegetables. Feeling so bad for her now.

Though, I am very well aware of the importance of a balance diet or say vegetables yet, I have not accepted them completely. I still have to toil very hard to finish my quota of vegetables everyday. But, as far as fruits are concerned I eat them as if I’ll be dead next day.

Well enough about my stinking habit. Now, let us focus on oranges. I love them not only for their tangy taste but also for the various health and beauty benefits. Some of which are listed below.
Health benefits of orange:

• Orange juice is very helpful in boosting the immune system, due to the high percentage of Vitamin C, which stimulates white cells, in it.
• Due to its alkaline effect on our digestive system, orange helps to stimulate the digestive juices and thus gets rid of constipation.
• It also reduces the risk of heart diseases due to the presence of flavonoids in it.
• Formation of calcium oxalate stones in the kidney can also be prevented by drinking a glass of orange juice daily.

• The anti-oxidant present in orange helps to protect the skin from free radical damage.
• Daily intake of orange juice may help lower both cholesterol levels and blood pressure levels.
• Risk of peptic ulcers can be reduced by consuming a vitamin C rich food like orange.
• The high antioxidant content in orange helps to prevent various forms of cancer, including breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Beauty benefits of orange:

Antioxidants present in an orange make it very effective against wrinkles and blemishes. Also it is capable in absorbing excess oil from the face. Some of the beauty tips are mentioned below:

• Mix together orange juice, oatmeal and honey. Apply it on face for 10-15 minutes. Wash your face with cold water. The application of this paste 4 times a week helps in skin rejuvenation.
• To bleach your skin naturally, mix orange peel powder and milk to make a thick paste. Apply it on face and leave it for few minutes. Wash your face with cold water.
• Take 2-3 tbsp of orange juice. Apply it on your face like a face wash. Avoid rubbing for long. Rinse your face with normal water. Vitamin C in the orange juice will add instant softness to your skin.

• Orange juice is also very efficient in solving the problem of enlarged pores. Dip a cotton ball in its juice, and apply it on face. Leave it for 1-2 minutes and then rinse it.
• Mix a cup of orange juice with equal amount of water and one tsp of honey. Apply it on your hair after shampooing. Keep it on for 5-10 minutes. Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water.
• Regular use of oranges in beauty routine also prevents your skin from acne and blemishes.

No doubt oranges have various health and beauty benefits yet, one should not go overboard with it. Moderation is the key to get the benefits from this truly miraculous fruit.

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mango fruit for health benefits

mango fruit for health benefits
01:09 by

Health World - Ever since my childhood, I have always detested papaya. I never liked the way it smelt and tasted. Though I have met many people who just love this fruit, somehow I never developed a liking for it. I do know that this yellow fruit is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, fibre content, potassium and other minerals, anti-oxidants , some enzymes etc. It was recently that i came across an article, which changed my view. Not just health benefits but this fruit also finds lots of applications in cosmetic industry from lip balms to shampoos, you will find many cosmetic products with papaya extracts.

So if you too have been like me- hating, detesting papaya all your life- I give you reasons to reconsider your choice.

Health Benefits

• Papaya seeds and leaves are useful in treating intestinal worms found in the body.
• Papaya helps prevent constipation and also aid in digestion. Papaya contains the protein called papain which is a digestive enzyme that helps in natural digestion process.
• Papaya cleans the stomach and studies have shown that papaya alone eaten for 3 to 4 days has a highly beneficial tonic effect upon the stomach and intestines.
• Papaya juice helps in alleviating infections of the colon by clearing away the infection, pus and mucus. Regular consumption will help in improving the problem.
• I read in many research papers, that skin and pulp of the fruit can be also used for external wounds including surgical incisions.
• Papaya is low in calories and high in nutritive value hence it is an excellent food for those on a diet. 100gms of papaya is just 32kcal
• Regular consumption of papaya helps to relieve morning sickness and nausea.
• Eating papaya is good for eyesight. So ladies, to reduce the risk of age related macular degeneration which is the primary cause of eyesight loss in old age to ensure that you have 3 serving daily.
• The highly concentrated potassium makes this fruit anti dote for hyper tension. It keeps blood pressure in check and also good for improving mental alertness.

• Papaya provides protection against heart disease like atherosclerosis. Being rich in anti-oxidants, the fruit prevents oxidation of cholesterol. Cholesterol as we all know, on oxidation gets accumulated on the blood vessels well and forms dangerous plaques. These plaques cause heart strokes and heart attack.
• Papaya has anti-inflammatory properties and anti-cancerous properties. The anti-inflammatory properties in papaya will help reduce pain for those suffering from arthritis, edema and osteoporosis.
• Papaya is very good for those who frequently suffer from cold, cough or flu because dietary intake of papaya boosts the immune system. The high concentration of Vitamin C and Vitamin A contained in papaya is very beneficial to strengthen the immune system.
• Raw papaya also helps in reducing menstrual irregularities for women. Papaya helps to ease the condition by promoting natural flow of menstruation.
• Despite being a sweet fruit, papaya is recommended to diabetic patients.
Beauty Benefits

Considering the properties that this fruit has, it’s not just good for consumption but can also be moved to your beauty shelf
• Papaya is very good for our skin. Since it contains enzymes like papain , on exfoliation, dead skin can be removed.
• The anti-oxidants prevent wrinkles and pre mature aging of skin, so youthful you
• Raw papaya when applied on face, helps us say bye-bye to pimples, blemishes and all those awful spots.
• A face pack made of ripe papaya and milk cream is recommended for people with dry skin.
• It protects our skin from ultraviolet radiation. Basically it acts as a natural sunscreen.
• It lightens the skin tone.

So beautiful ladies, i hope that i gave you good enough reasons to get that fruit in your basket the next time you go to reliance fresh.

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mango benefits for beauty

mango benefits for beauty
01:06 by

Health World - Mangoes are delicious for your skin and not just for your taste buds. Does that sound strange to you? Well, while mango is loved by thousands and thousands of Indians for having catered to their appetite for ages with its exotic sweetness and flavor, not many people are aware of the beauty benefits that this soft, juicy fruit is capable of. Mangoes can be amazing for your skin. Therefore, do not forget to treat your skin with its pulpy flesh while gorging on frozen mango slices and relishing mango shakes in this summer.

Mango For Your Skin- Top Five Beauty Facts:

• Mango, which is rich in Vitamin A (beta-carotene), contains powerful anti-oxidants; thus, it helps in imparting a younger-looking skin.
• It is helps in regeneration of skin cells.
• It is useful in restoring the elasticity of skin.
• Including mango in skincare regimen ensures that dry skin is moisturized and it helps to prevent wrinkle formation.
• It helps to shield the skin from clogged pores and sun damages.
Mango Skin-care Recipes:

1. Mango Body Scrub (to make skin soft): You would need one mango, one spoon of honey, two spoons of milk and half-a-cup of sugar. Blend the ingredients thoroughly and use this scrub while taking bath. Rub it vigorously all over your body and then, rinse with warm water, followed by cold water. Your skin will feel smooth and supple.
2. Raw Mango Astringent (for acne prone skin): If you have acnes and you want to treat it with a natural astringent, boil some raw mangoes (without peeling them) in water and let it cool; use this solution for your skin.
3. Mango Face Cleanser (to remove tanning): Mix the pulp of mango with flour and honey to make a thick paste. Let it stay on your face for about fifteen minutes and wash by scrubbing gently. It cleanses your face and also helps to remove summer tanning when used regularly.
4. Mango-Milk Face Mask (for exfoliating normal skin): You would need peeled ripe mango (1/4), two spoons of whole milk, powdered almonds and crushed oats. The components have to be mixed thoroughly in a blender. Apply it on your face as well as on your neck. Wait for twenty minutes and rinse in lukewarm water.
5. Mango Pulp Face Mask (for oily skin): Just wash your face in cold water and apply the smashed pulp of mango on it; keep for about ten minutes and wash off.
6. Mango-Honey Face Pack (suitable for all skin types): Take two spoons of smashed mango pulp and mix it with one spoon of honey and one spoon of almond oil. Apply on your face and wait for fifteen minutes. Rinse it with cool water.
7. Mango-Yoghurt Face Pack (to relieve dry sensitive skin): This face pack is a soothing and nourishing treat for sensitive skin. Just mix the pulp of a mango with six spoons of yoghurt. Apply it on your face and wash off after fifteen minutes.
Top Reasons To Use Mango In Skincare Recipes?

You might be thinking hard as to why you should use mango in all these skin care recipes; the reasons are very simple but varied. Check out the explanation below:
• Mango juice has vitamins that help in protecting your skin from the adverse effects of the atmosphere as well as acne problems in summer.
• Vitamin C, contained in mangoes, boosts in the production of collagen which in turn, imparts a healthy looking skin. Thus, using it in face packs and in diet is beneficial.
• Mango juice has revitalizing effect that eats away the dullness your skin suffers from in the hot and humid weather.
• Lastly, mangoes are available in plenty in Indian markets (especially in the eastern regions). They are pretty cheap as seasonal fruits and very appetizing too. So, when you have mangoes coming in your house to fill your fruit basket in the summers, why should you not take the fair chance to treat your skin as well?

Tips and Warnings: Do not use the mango-skin in your beauty regimen as you might suffer from skin irritation. It is also advised that you use separate knives to scrape the skin and cut the pulp. Avoid using the mango pulp close to the mango skin. It should be perfectly fine if you peel the mangoes properly; but if you still feel that the fruit is not suiting your skin type, do not use it for your skin care treatments.

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dragon fruit health benefits for the body

dragon fruit health benefits for the body
01:01 by

Health World - White-fleshed pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus) is commonly called dragon fruit or strawberry pear. In Latin America, this member of the cactus family is also known as pitahaya blanca. Both the juicy white flesh and the tiny black seeds distributed across the flesh of the dragon fruit are edible and nutritious. Dragon fruit is also low in calories and can offer several health benefits when consumed in moderation and as part of a balanced diet.

In addition to its nutritional value and health promoting effects, the dragon fruit is praised for its appetizing crunchy texture and refreshing, sweet flavor which is like a cross between kiwi and pear. To preserve most of its flavor and nutrients, the dragon fruit is usually eaten raw as a healthy snack or it is pureed into smoothies. The rest of this article provides details of the nutritional value, calorie count and the health benefits of the dragon fruit.

Nutritional Value and Health Benefits

A 100-gram (3.5 oz) serving of white-fleshed pitahaya provides an estimated 21 milligrams of vitamin C, which corresponds to 34% of the daily value (DV) set for vitamin C. By way of comparison, this is less than half the amount of vitamin C found in an equal serving of oranges but more than three times the amount of vitamin C found in carrots. Vitamin C is perhaps best known for its ability to strengthen the immune system, but it also offers many other health benefits. When you eat dragon fruit or other foods that contain vitamin C, you boost your body's natural ability to get rid of heavy metals and other toxins, promote the healing of your body's cells, and improve your ability to cope with stress. Vitamin C is also an important antioxidant that is vital for overall good health and beautiful skin.

Due its nutritional profile, dragon fruit can be used as a natural remedy for constipation. Dragon fruit seeds, in particular, appear to have strong laxative properties and can therefore be highly effective at at stimulating bowel movement. One of the nutrients that contributes to the laxative properties of the dragon fruit is fiber. A 100-gram portion of dragon fruit delivers 3 grams of fiber, which is equivalent to 12% of the daily reference value for dietary fiber. Furthermore,dragon fruit seeds contain polyunsaturated fatty acids which have been shown to exert laxative effects.

Chart: Calorie Count and Nutrition Facts

Nutrition facts for red-skinned, white-fleshed dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) are provided per 100 grams in the chart below. Note that the nutrition facts for red-skinned, red-fleshed pitahaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus or pitahaya roja) are slightly different. Similarly, the nutritional value of the yellow-skinned dragonfruit variety (Selenicereus megalanthus or pitahaya amarilla) is somewhat different.

The nutrition facts provided below include both the absolute amount and the percent daily valuefor each nutrient.

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7 ways to shrink the stomach naturally

7 ways to shrink the stomach naturally
00:59 by

Helath world - Sometimes in order to lose weight we need to contract space. Contracting space can mean feeling satisfied with less. To make yourself “YogaFit,” you must learn to eat less and be satisfied with less. With food LESS TRULY IS MORE.

One of the best example’s of this is s reducing the desires of your stomach and appetite and simply getting used to less. The best way to do this is to break your meals into halts or thirds and eat small frequent meals. Make sure you eat slowly and leave the table hungry. Your body will start to get used to less and less food. Frequency then becomes more important than quantity. Stomach-shrinking is a subject often debated by health experts. But it is possible to reduce the size of your stomach safely and without surgery, simply by changing your eating habits.

Many overweight people are turning to surgical procedures such as laparoscopic or gastric stomach bands.

Here’s the good news: experts have found that the size of the stomach can be shrunk naturally in just three to four weeks without resorting to surgery. Here are some tips for how to shrink your stomach:


One of the simplest ways to control hunger is to eat breakfast regularly. When you go all night without food and skip breakfast, your hunger climbs to more extreme levels.


A common way for you to control hunger is by eating high fiber foods. Vegetables such as spinach, mushrooms and broccoli provide a high level of nutrition. They also fill you up and are low in calories.


In general, eating slowly is a good strategy when you are trying to lose weight. Your body needs time, between 20 and 30 minutes, to send a signal to your brain that you are full. When you eat too fast, you run the risk of overeating. Eating slowly and truly enjoying your food will prevent you from eating too much.


When you drink enough water, you generally feel full more often and feel less hungry. Drink the recommended eight glasses of water daily and see if this prevents your desire to eat as often.


Studies show that when you do not sleep enough, your body sees an increase in the ghrelin hormone, which increases your appetite. You simultaneously experience a decrease in the leptin hormone, making it harder to feel full from portion sizes that you would normally consider adequate. This change in your physiology makes it difficult to control hunger.


One way to control hunger is to pay attention to what your body is telling you.


A full plate sends the signal that you’re eating a full meal and a partially full plate looks like a skimpy meal, regardless of the actual quantity of food.

The same amount of food looks like more on a smaller plate Using smaller plates and filling them up is a proven way to eat less without noticing.


The mindless margin is about 20% of any given meal. In other words, you can eat 80% of the food you’d normally eat and probably not notice, so long as no one points it out to youying.


Remember, distracted eating is overeating.


Study after study have shown that people eat a lot more when is food visible rather than put away where it can’t be seen, even if they know it is there. To avoid extra snacking keep tempting food yet, out of the house.


Slow down, chew each bite (counting your chews can help develop the habit) and watch as you fill up faster on fewer calories.


Your stomach can’t count. When you can’t see how much you’re eating you’re more than a little likely to lose track and consume double or even triple the amount you’d eat if you took the time to serve yourself a proper portion.